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Upgrading a Budd RDC

Introduction At a recent model show, Dad picked up a Budd Rail Diesel Car (RDC) on a whim. This is not the normal kind of model we’d normally look at, but for some reason it stood out as a fairly decent model, and the price… Read More »Upgrading a Budd RDC

JGA wagon upgrade

I had some spare time while visiting Reading back in 2018, so I took a short trip one station down to the line to Twyford, to visit Berkshire Dolls House and Models. Whilst I was browsing, I saw an interesting looking wagon on the shelf:… Read More »JGA wagon upgrade

DCC sound: Bachmann 4MT

I have fitted DCC sound to a handful of locomotives in my collection, but so far, it’s only been diesels that have received the upgrade. Today that changes, as I’m going to be adding sound to one of my favourite (and most dependable) steam locos:… Read More »DCC sound: Bachmann 4MT

Working End-Of-Train lamps

I have had a Hattons class 66 in Freightliner livery (66957 – Stephenson Locomotive Society) on order since they were announced back in 2018. With the delivery date fast approaching, I’ve ordered a mixture of container wagons in Freightliner livery for it to haul when… Read More »Working End-Of-Train lamps

Fiddle yard cassettes

The visible trackwork on Weybourne was completed months ago, but I’ve yet to start work on the single-road storage yard that will be hidden behind the industrial buildings on the left-hand side of the layout. If space in the house were not at a premium,… Read More »Fiddle yard cassettes

DCC in a Hornby A1X Terrier

I’ve recently acquired a rather nice little Hornby Terrier loco. It’s one of the ex-Dapol tooling models, so while it’s not up to the standards of the more modern Hornby offering, it’s still a reasonable model that I’d like to get running. As it’s one… Read More »DCC in a Hornby A1X Terrier